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This section provides an historical overview of the work of the Institute in the field of education in developing countries. It comprises a collection of papers written by the Institute staff marking various stages in the evolution of the field.

1.  Seventy five years of partnership with developing countries.  

Angela W Little

An overview of 75 years of the Institute’s work with ‘developing countries’ through the records of the Colonial Department and its successor departments, with some thoughts about the Institute’s future roles. The paper was presented at the Institute’s centenary alumni celebrations on November 23rd 2002.

2.  The development of the Institute in relation to the colonies, in University of London, Institute of Education Jubilee Lectures. London : Evans Brothers for the Institute of Education (pp57-90), 1952 (reprint)

Christopher Cox

A review of the work of the Colonial Department, on the occasion of the Institute’s 50th and the Department’s 25th anniversaries

3. The Institute of Education and oversea students, in University of London, Institute of Education Jubilee Lectures. London : Evans Brothers for the Institute of Education (pp91-110) 1952 (reprint)

George Barker Jeffery

An account of the development of the Institute’s teaching of oversea students, by the Director at the time of the Institute’s 50th and the Colonial Department’s 25th anniversaries.

4.  Not wanted on the voyage : a study of the Colonial Department ULIE 1927-1956,  In DICE Occasional Papers, No 11. DICE, Institute of Education, University of London, 1988 (reprint)

Clive Whitehead

An account of the Colonial Department and the first few years of the Department of Education in Tropical Areas.

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Compiled and edited by Clare Bentall and Angela Little. First issued Spring 2005.