75 years  

Dept for International and Comparative Education 1985-1995

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• 1927-52 • 1953-73 • 1973-85 • 1985-95 • 1995-01 •

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Dr John Breakell:  lecturer 1987-1993, Head of International Development Unit 1993 – 1999, PhD student late 1990s

John recalls two projects undertaken by the department in Andhra Pradesh (India) and Indonesia.


Rajee Rajagopalan: administrator 1982-1995, administrator in International Development Unit 1996-2002

Rajee recalls the supportive environment of the department, the experiences of working with colleagues and students from all over the world, and the demanding role of organising department social events!

Dr Pat Pridmore: lecturer 1989 – present, PhD student 1991-1996

Pat recalls the challenges of being a PhD student whilst also a lecturer in the department.


Dr Mercy Tembon: student 1991-1994

Mercy recalls the change from the life of a civil servant in the Cameroon to that of a student at the Institute. She remembers the challenges of completing a doctorate, particularly of presenting her ideas for discussion to fellow students and staff.

Professor Charles Nherera: student 1991 - 1994

Charles recalls the support of various members of staff for his PhD and how this has helped his work since leaving the Institute.


Dr Anil Khamis: student 1992/3, lecturer 2002 – present

Anil talks about the links of the department with the Institute of Ismaili Studies and his continuing interest and work in the area of emergency education and also Muslim education.

Professor Guy Neave:  Professor of Comparative Education 1985 – 1990
Guy recalls a departmental retreat and the Chairman’s strategy for encouraging cooperation amongst staff by means of a heated game of croquet.

Dr Haikima (Anne) Ershidin:  student 1987-1991

Anne recalls how she transferred from SOAS to the Institute and remembers in particular the support of her PhD supervisor, Professor Angela Little.

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Compiled and edited by Clare Bentall and Angela Little. First issued Spring 2005.