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Cairns, J., Gardner, R. and Lawton, D. (eds) (2000), Values and the Curriculum. London: Woburn P.

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Coombe, T. (1985), Secondary Teacher Education in Malawi

Coombe, T. (1987), A Regional Art School in Zimbabwe

Coombe, T. (1988), Integral Planning for the Staffing Function in Education. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.

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Cripwell, K. R., Edwards, P. and Gammans, J. (1998), Dlo sal. Berlin, Ohio: Christian Aid Ministries.

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Cummings, W. K. and Riddell, A. R. (1992), Alternative Policies for the Finance, Control, and Delivery of Basic Education. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Institute for International Development.


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Compiled and edited by Clare Bentall and Angela Little. First issued Spring 2005.