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Little, A. W. (2000), 'Post-Jomtien Models of Educational Development: Analysis versus Advocacy'. In L.-E. Malmberg, S.-E. Hansen and K. Heino (eds), Basic Education for All: A Global Concern for Quality. Vasa: Abo Akademi.

Little, A. W. (2000), Primary Education Planning Project, Team Leader Reports, Document Series 34 and 38: Cambridge Education Consultants and Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Colombo.

Little, A. W. (2000), 'Qualifications, Globalisation and Livelihoods: Towards a Research Agenda.' Assessment in Education 7(3) 299-312

Little, A. W. (ed.) (2000), Primary Education Reform in Sri Lanka. Isurupaya: Ministry of Education and Higher Education Publications Department.

Little, A. W. (2001), 'Multigrade Teaching: Towards an International Research and Policy Agenda'. International Journal of Educational Development, 21 (6) 481-498.

Little, A. W. (ed.) (2001), Special Issue of the Journal International Journal of Educational Development on the theme of "Multigrade Teaching". 21(6).

Little, A. W. (2001), Ilankayil Arampak Kalvich Cheerthiruththam, Isurupaya, Ministry of Education and Higher Education Publications Department, Sri Lanka pp 247 (editor and contributor) (Tamil translation of Little (ed) 2000 Primary Education Reform in Sri Lanka)

Little, A. W. (2001), Sri Lankave Pradhamika Adhyapana Prathisanksk Aranaya, Isurupaya, Ministry of Education and Higher Education Publications Department, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka pp 255 (editor and contributor) (Sinhala translation of Little (ed) 2000 Primary Education Reform in Sri Lanka)

Little, A. W. (2001), Five Year Plan for Primary Education 2000-2004, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka, (contributor and leader of consultancy team)

Little, A. W. (2001), Arampakkalvikkana Ainthu Varudath Thiddam 2000-2004, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka, (contributor and leader of consultancy team) (Tamil translation of Five Year Plan)

Little, A. W. (2001), Pradamikka Adhapanaya Santhahawana Pas Avuruddu Salasma 2000-2004, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Isurupaya, Sri Lanka, (contributor and leader of consultancy team) (Sinhala translation of Five Year plan)

Little, A. W. (2001), Higher Education Curricula Material: Research-based Internet teaching materials written for the MA module Learning, Education and Development: concepts and issues. Session 1 (with Chris Yates) The changing meanings of development over time and space. Session 2: Arenas for learning: equality and quality. Session 5: Learning, Education and Development: economic perspectives

Little, A. W. (2002), ‘Borderless Higher Education and Qualifications’ in International Perspectives on Higher Education, Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press

Little, A. W. (2002), Interview by Zhao Zhong-jian based on above, appears in Global Education, Vol 1 no 1, East China Normal University

Little, A. W. (2002), Ulaipal Kalviyil Uyarvour, (Tamil translation by S.Sanderesegaram of Little, A. W. 1999, Labouring to Learn.), Colombo, Social Scientist’s Association, Sri Lanka.

Little, A. W. (2002), Iganeemata Ganna Vera, (Sinhala translation by Daela Bandara of Little, A. W. 1999, Labouring to Learn. Translation.) Colombo, Social Scientist’s Association, Sri Lanka.

Little, A. W. (2002), Higher Education Curricula Material: Research-based Internet teaching materials written for the MA module Learning, Education and Development: concepts and issues (Session 8: Learning, Education and Development: psychological perspectives)

Little, A. W. (2002), The planning of EFA: lessons from Sri Lanka, in Matlin, S. A. (ed.) Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2003, The Stationery Office, London

Little, A. and others (1999), Planning Guidelines for the Development of Medium and Long Term Provincial Education Plans. Isurupaya: Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

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Little, A. W. and Dore, R. (1982), A Resource Booklet for the Film `The Diploma Disease'. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

Little, A. W. and Dore, R. (1982), The Diploma Disease: An Argument in Pictures. A Film / Video. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

Little, A. W., Dotto, L. and Luwongo, T. (1997), Education in Zanzibar: Classrooms, Quality and Costs. Stockholm: Department for Democracy and Social Development.

Little, A. W., Hoppers, W. and Gardner, R. (eds) (1994), Beyond Jomtien: Implementing Primary Education For All. London: Macmillan.

Little, A. W. and Kashiwagi, K.(1985), 'Students' Learning Orientation Group (SLOG): Report of SLOG 84 Tokyo Workshop'. Human Development Research, 1, 159-170.

Little, A. W., Lewin, K. and Gang, W. (1996), Examinations and Assessment: Practice, Procedure and Problems in China. Beijing: British Embassy Cultural and Education Section.

Little, A. W., Lewin, K., Hui, X. and Jiayong, L. (1996), Access, Equity and Efficiency: Perspectives on the Chinese School System: British Council.

Little, A. W., Lewin, K. and Weiping, S. (1996), The Education and Training of Teachers in China: Methods and Issues. Beijing: British Embassy Cultural and Education Section.

Little, A. W. and Miller, E. (2000), The International Consultative Forum on Education for All 1990-2000: An Evaluation. Dakar, Senegal: World Education Forum.

Little, A. W. and Oxenham, J. (1982), 'The Employment, Manpower and Education Mission - an Exercise in Role Play'. In J. Oxenham (ed.), Simulations and Adult Learning for Development. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper D172.

Little, A. W. and Singh, J. S. (1992), 'Learning and Working: Elements of the Diploma Disease Thesis Examined in England and Malaysia'. Comparative Education, 28(2), 181-200.

Little, A. W. and Singhal, S. (1989), 'Do all Children Compensate and How? - Some Cross Cultural Evidence from Britain and India'. Personality Study and Group Behaviour, 9(1).

Little, A. W. and Sivagnanam, M. (1992), Evaluating Project Objectives: Improving the Quality of Education and Increasing Educational Participation: Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka / SIDA.

Little, A. W. and Sivasithambaram, R. (1993), 'Improving Educational Effectiveness in a Plantation School: The Case of the Gonakelle School in Sri Lanka'. In H. Levin and M. Lockheed (eds), Effective Schools in Developing Countries: Stanford University Press.

Little, A. W. and Teasdale, G. R. (eds). (1995), 'Culture and Learning'. Prospects, 25(4).

Little, A. W. and Wolf, A. (eds) (1996), Assessment in Transition: Learning, Monitoring and Selection in International Perspective. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Little, A. W. and Yates, C. (eds) (1991), Education and Development. London: International Extension College/University of London.

Lockhart, L. (1981), 'The Economics of Nine Years Education For All'. In Killick (ed.), Papers on the Kenyan Economy. London, Nairobi: Heinemann Educational Books.

Lofstedt, J., Jayaweera, S. and Little, A. W. (1985), Human resources development in Sri Lanka : an analysis of education and training. Stockholm: Education Division, Swedish International Development Authority.

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Loveridge, A. J. (1972), 'Some Thoughts on Educational Planning and Manpower Requirements'. Teacher Education in New Countries, 12(3), 238-43.

Loveridge, A. J. (1978), British Colonial Experience in Educational Development: A Survey of Non-formal Education for Rural and Agricultural Development. Cardiff: University College Cardiff Press.

Loveridge, A. J. and Pratt, S. (1964), 'Training Programmes and Manpower Planning'. Teacher Education, 4.

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Lyons, R. F. (1969), Modernizing the Management of the Educational System. The Fundamentals of Educational Planning: Lecture-Discussion Series No. 35. Paris: IIEP.

Lyons, R. F. (1970), Administrative Aspects of Educational Planning. Paris: IIEP.

Lyons, R. F. (1974), Integrating Education with Economic Needs in Developing Countries. The Fundamentals of Educational Planning: Lecture-Discussion Series No. 21. Paris: IIEP.

Lyons, R. F. (1975), Administrative and Organisational Problems in Rural Education, with Special Attention to the Modalities of Community Participation in Decision-Making. Paris: IIEP.

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Compiled and edited by Clare Bentall and Angela Little. First issued Spring 2005.